3/2/2018                            Oral Assembly Questions tabled on 01/03/2018 for answer on 06/03/2018 - National Assembly for Wales

Oral Assembly Questions tabled on 01/03/2018

for answer on 06/03/2018

The Presiding Officer will call Party Leaders to ask questions without notice to the First Minister after Question 2.

First Minister

               Llyr Gruffydd      North Wales

1 OAQ51831

Tabled in Welsh

Will the First Minister make a statement on support for claimants of the Welsh independent living grant following its cessation?

                Neil Hamilton      Mid and West Wales

2 OAQ51871

Will the First Minister provide an update on progress to lower the minimum age for voting in elections in Wales?

                Mark Reckless      South Wales East

3 OAQ51877

Will the First Minister make a statement on progress made in promoting Welsh trade with the United States of America?

                David J. Rowlands      South Wales East

4 OAQ51837

Will the First Minister make a statement on ambulance response times across Wales?

               Mike Hedges      Swansea East

5 OAQ51829

Will the First Minister make a statement on the role of universities in Wales as economic drivers?

                Sian Gwenllian      Arfon

6 OAQ51870

Tabled in Welsh

Will the First Minister make a statement on the Welsh Government's plans for local government reform?

                Hefin David     Caerphilly

7 OAQ51876

Will the First Minister make a statement on the regulation of estate management companies on unadopted housing estates?

                Janet Finch-Saunders      Aberconwy

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8 OAQ51874

What steps is the Welsh Government taking to improve public transport services in Wales?

               David Rees      Aberavon

9 OAQ51873

What discussions has the First Minister had with the UK Government on the devolution of the criminal justice system to Wales?

                Suzy Davies      South Wales West

10 OAQ51875

Will the First Minister make a statement on efforts to improve disability access in Wales?

                Nick Ramsay      Monmouth

11 OAQ51845

Will the First Minister provide an update on Welsh Government plans to change the law which stops childminders receiving funding for looking after relatives?

                Vikki Howells      Cynon Valley

12 OAQ51869

Will the First Minister outline how the Welsh Government intends to improve economic performance in the northern valleys during this Assembly term?

                John Griffiths      Newport East

13 OAQ51844

Will the First Minister make a statement on Welsh Government support for regeneration in Newport?

               Mandy Jones      North Wales

14 OAQ51848

Will the First Minister make a statement on the protection of endangered species in Wales?

                  Bethan Sayed       South Wales West

15 OAQ51852

Will the First Minister outline what support the Welsh Government can offer to people who have lost pensions due to company closures?

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